Earlier Edition Post***
Thursday February 16 2006
Hey Mike - Your Loss...
Current mood: amused
Category: MySpace
For all of 10 minutes earlier I was royally pissed. I'm over it now but I'm still a bit astounded, though I'm not quite sure why. I had a man, "Mike" send me a friend request. I always read over the profile of the person before I accept or deny the request. He seemed like a nice guy, we had a few things in common, certain music, books, etc, all very innocuous, so I agreed to accept his request and sent him a message saying that we had so much in common that it was actually kind of scary. I thought, being that we had these same interests that he might be someone I could get to really know as a friend rather than as just another one of the popularity seekers that usually abound here so in that message I also asked him if he might be interested in knowing the "real" me. Yes, I have another persona out here in cyber space, imagine that! This one here is the sensual but superficial one. *wink* Anyway, he writes back and says sure and asks am I being courted by anyone. I answer that I'm an old boring married lady and that all I'm looking for or offering is friendship, nothing more but if he was looking for friends I was open for that. He writes back slamming my ass for being on cyber space at all. If I was really happy then why was I looking…? The same thing happened with his wife and that's why now they were divorced! I was now persona non grata! Adios! And the ass blocked me! OK, not that he meant a thing to me but I find it incredibly juvenile to throw out your verbal garbage and then not stand up and be responsible for the trash you've thrown so here you go Mike. I may not be able to tell you directly so let's just share with the rest of MySpace so they can hear what you should have if you'd been man enough to. (Oh, for those who might be curious, and ladies, you might want to stay clear, he has serious issues, this is him by the way - http://www.myspace.com/apacheangel007 ) The message I sent you that won't get through said this…
Gee Mike,
Apparently you sent a friends request and didn't bother to read my profile. I'm NOT looking for anything other than friends, the platonic kind, male and FEMALE. I've been married for nearly 22 years to my best friend of 30 and there's not a soul out there worth touching what I've built here at home. So keep your assumptions dear. I understand you were burned but I'm certainly not the one or the kind who did it. Seems to me I made it very clear that I was only offering friendship but perhaps you're one of those who hold the misconception that men and women can't exist on that plain. How sad for you. I was just responding because you liked Josh Groban, Harry Potter, storms, etc. too, You've had the opportunity to see the stars from I place I never will and I was curious what that was like given that I'm losing my sight have never been able to see them all that well... So dear, you've done me a favor, you're not worthy of my time and certainly not of my friendship. Happy life to you one day though you might want to lose some of your bitterness first...
Then real life entered and I forgot about… what was his name? *wink*
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