Wednesday, August 24, 2011

No Call List Violators Beware...

I have again filed a complaint with the FCC because of a telemarketer calling with a pre-recorded message to my home phone # which I do have on the No Call List. In filing this complaint I also informed the FCC of my own solution to the problem. I think they might appreciate my tactics... TO FCC: Before I can finish advising the representative that I am on the no call list and they are in violation of the law, the person disconnects the call. I have now resorted to listening to the pre-recorded message, pressing the # to speak to the representative then proceeding to blow a whistle loudly into the reciever at which point they disconnect. I assume that eventually they will understand my wish not to have additional calls from their company or I will rupture enough eardrums so as to make my # one they work to avoid calling.